Why cattle graze the bunk: effects of variation in TMR quality on feeding behaviour

Why cattle graze the bunk: effects of variation in TMR quality on feeding behaviour

Why this matters… A total mixed ration (TMR) should provide a nutritionally balanced diet with all nutrients that cattle need to grow and function well. However, on farms the quality of the TMR may vary between days (in relation to inputs and mixing), within days (due to sorting by cows or environmental exposure), and along the feed bunk (due […]

Lameness: A Transition Cow Disease

Lameness: A Transition Cow Disease

Lameness is the number one animal welfare issue facing the North American dairy industry. Lameness is painful, and cases can last from weeks to months. Severe cases that do not improve can result in the cow being culled from the herd. Cows experiencing pain are less likely to show signs of estrus, such as mounting […]