We are pleased to be one of eight farms participating in the 2014 BC Dairy Expo open house, part of the Pacific Agriculture Show, taking place in the Fraser Valley from January 30 to February 1, 2014.
Visiting hours are on January 29th from 9 am to 4 pm. A complimentary lunch will be available from 11 am to 2 pm, with thanks to Pacific Dairy Centre.
Biosecurity is an increasingly important consideration on dairy farm tours and your respect for such concerns is requested by using the plastic boots provided.
Tour Highlights:
- First DariTech installation in Canada which uses a sand cannon system to separate manure from sand for a barn with an alley manure scraper system
- System also incorporates a DariTech DT360 manure separator with an air bag-controlled roller press to extract as much fiber out of the manure as possible, allowing the resulting liquid to be reused in the sand cannon phase
- The system generates separated piles of end products which include clean recycled sand used for bedding in the free stalls, as well as fiber which can used for composting and field application
- System is automated and operated by a PLC which could be monitored and adjusted on a cellular phone
- Insentec feed systems capture and monitor individual cow and heifer forage intake
- Visitors are also welcome to learn about some of the latest research activities at the UBC Dairy Centre
Manager: Nelson Dinn
Phone: 604.796.8410
Contractors: Pacific Dairy Centre, DariTech Inc., Quantum Engineering, Spaeti Construction Ltd., Peters’ Electric